Resource Description and Access:
: A Critical Discourse Analysis of Library Professionals' Perceptions

  • Paul Keith Cooke

Student thesis: Master's ThesisMaster of Economic and Social Studies


This study seeks to expose library professionals’ perceptions of the new Resource Description and Access (RDA) cataloguing code. Data is collected from blog posts that provide credible, expressive and informative views on RDA and give insight into the apprehensions and anticipations surrounding its implementation. This data is then disseminated and organised before being constructed into a Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA). The succeeding analysis compares the preceding literature review with findings from the corpus of blog posts before arguing that there is an evident disconnection between the theoretical debates held in the former and the practical concerns expressed in the latter. Furthermore, this study reveals that RDA was discussed at length by an expressive and engaging online librarian community. It is argued that prior to RDA’s implementation a great deal of anticipation existed, but this did not translate into a positive perception of the code after its implementation. It is also argued that the corpus reveals a focus on user experience and what effect RDA has on the searching process; further study in this area is recommended and it is suggested that directly approaching library users for their perceptions would be a useful and unique area of study
Date of Award2015
Original languageEnglish
Awarding Institution
  • Aberystwyth University
SupervisorPauline Rafferty (Supervisor)

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