The Dynamics of Solar Filament Channels

  • Jeff Alfred Smith

Student thesis: Doctoral ThesisDoctor of Philosophy


This research seeks to expand understanding of the processes which occur in solar filament channels by both modeling and observational methods. Firstly, a cutting-edge area of Non-Linear Force Free modeling is significantly expanded to allow 3D multiwavelength models with 45 second cadence; this allows prediction of rapid changes to the structures under study. Three-dimensional multi-wavelength models of a coronal loop system are created, allowing the estimation of some of the temperature distribution in the plasma. The free energy released in an eruption is also estimated. In the following chapter, wave trains are observed in a solar filament, which I believe to be the first observations of their kind. These are interpreted as two very fast waves propagating across flux tubes in a solar filament, which in turn cause a succession of magneto-acoustic waves in different flux tubes. Following these exciting observations, the chapter attempts to explain the origin in terms of changes in the magnetic field. Finally, counter-streaming motions are observed and discussed. The ubiquity of fast motions in Extreme Ultra-Violet wavelengths is shown. These are interpreted as waves rather than mass flows and it is thus postulated that many features in other filaments which could be interpreted as mass flows may in fact be waves. Through analysis of the magnetic field, observations of motions propagating in both directions from the same area and observations of the “reversal” of motions in the same flux rope, this chapter also offers possible explanations for the fascinating phenomenon of counter-streaming.
Date of Award2017
Original languageEnglish
Awarding Institution
  • Aberystwyth University
SupervisorXing Li (Supervisor)

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