The impact of strategic outsourcing on emiratization and organisational performance of aviation industry in Abu Dhabi, UAE

  • Mohamed Alkhemairi Alkhemairi

Student thesis: Doctoral ThesisDoctor of Professional Studies


In contemporary environments, organisations are putting their best efforts to attain better performance outcomes while utilising different types of internal and external resources. Similarly, outsourcing is assumed to be a market opportunity through which business organisations hire the services of external companies. Strategic outsourcing has several dynamics with a short- and long-term influence on organisational performance. This study aims to analyse the trends in organisational performance observed through three dynamics of strategic outsourcing, measured through cost-driven, focus-driven, and innovation-driven factors. In addition, it also examines the impact of these three dynamics on the Emiratization in the aviation industry of Abu Dhabi, UAE. This research uses a sample of 352 respondents from the aviation industry of Abu Dhabi, UAE. The dynamics of strategic outsourcing, organisational performance and Emiratization are measured through structural questionnaires, with key items from the existing literature. Additionally, the present research observes the moderating effect of knowledge-sharing behaviour (KSB) on the relationship between strategic outsourcing, Emiratization, and organisational performance. Descriptive statistics, measurement model assessment and structural model assessment were considered for the analysis. The results show a positive and significant impact of cost-driven, focus-driven, and innovation-driven outsourcing on both organisational performance and Emiratization in the aviation industry of Abu Dhabi, UAE. However, it is observed that KSB only moderates the relationship between focus-driven outsourcing and organisational performance, innovation-driven outsourcing, and organisational performance, and between innovation-driven outsourcing and Emiratization in the aviation industry of Abu Dhabi, UAE. The findings of this study would be of significant support to various stakeholders and policy-makers for higher organisational performance and a positive impact on the Emiratization initiative through strategic outsourcing dynamics To the best of the researcher’s findings, there has been a dearth of examining the moderating effects of KSB between strategic outsourcing, organisational performance, and Emiratization. Therefore, this study could be observed as a worthwhile contribution to the literature, specifically for the moderating effect of knowledge sharing. However, as an extension to this research, further studies could examine the influence of other internal and external organisational level dynamics for observing the trends in organisational performance and Emiratization.
Date of Award2022
Original languageEnglish
Awarding Institution
  • Aberystwyth University
SupervisorShafiul Azam (Supervisor)


  • organisational performance
  • strategic outsourcing
  • Emeratization
  • KSB
  • UAE

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